Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Future of MySQL

Most disturbing news on the scene of open source software is the acquisition of MySQL database by ORACLE - a competing product. There is a fear that its fate will be the same as that of "Foxpro" that was acquired by MICROSOFT - "Foxpro" was lead to death. However, there is also a silver lining on the horizon that "They will embrace MySQL and Open Source and put their technical expertise on it to ensure that MySQL continues to be the most popular advanced Open Source database."

1 comment:

  1. The situation is not as much gloomy as it seems.

    There could be these situations
    Oracle dumps MySQL and an (or some) Independent group(s) pick this project (e.g. Maria DB by Monty)
    We have MySQL 5+ under GPL v2. This is the beauty of OpenSource, even if Oracle dumps MySQL some groups from community may rise and continue its development. We may see many flavors of MySQL based on same core.

    Oracle dumps MySQL and no Independent group pick this project
    Even if is not developed further, it has nothing to do with our existing installations they would work sill in the same way as they are now (under GPL v2).

    Oracle strengthen MySQL
    Based on Oracle's experience and expertise in DB technology. This could be ideal situation for Oracle as well as users (us). Oracle already has the majority market share in Enterprise and big business. Through this initiative they can also gain control in small and medium market. They could also offer easy migration tools to scale up and integrate in other db products. They may make MySQL a driver to attract other Oracle products.

    There is nothing to be depressed about MySQL future.
    MySQL and Oracle DBs are for different markets
    MySQL for SMEs and Orcacle is for big enterprizes
    I think it would be a great fit for Oracle portfolio to cater SEMs and big enterprises.
